Meet the Creator


Welcome to dcn creative corner!

My name is Dimitra and this site is a reflection of my passion for beautiful crafted goods.

I believe that when you create handmade you give much more.
I have always loved creating handmade items, probably because these are the items I treasure most in my home. I spent so much time to create every last detail and it showed me how much thought and care went into each creation.

Handmade creations hold stories.
Handmade makers create from the heart and soul. Each piece is made with love and passion for their craft. There’s almost always a story behind the making of the item that it ceases to be just an item. Instead it’s transformed into a symbol of the story or process behind its creation. You just can’t get that from a commercially produced product.

Creating makes me come alive, it is in my blood.
I’ve been creating since I was a child. As a descendent of generations of crafters you could say it is truly in my blood. I have the loveliest memories of hand-knit sweaters, jackets and textiles at loom. My childhood living room displayed an extensive collection of needlework pieces all from the hands of my Mom and Grandmother.

As an adult I rediscovered my true love for creating handmade gifts eventually leading after more than ten years dealt with handmade art Jewelry, Stained Glass, Mosaic, Fusing, Decoupage and Scrapbooking to the launch of DcN website.